We have received notice of the following bereavements: Peter Redman, Ivor Evans, Eric Bowman, Rod Dennison, Ray Eccles, Brother Donald Green, Keith Woodley and Adrian Constable (ex Teacher). Details will follow when known.
We received a message from David Davies on 16 February , informing us that Brian Harris (1951-1958) has died.
We are sorry to report that Terry Miller died 26 July 2021, aged 85.
We are sorry to report that Capt. Peter Hames, former Clerk to the Company died on 5th December 2021.
We are sorry to report that Past Master Michael Pelham, who was a great friend of the Old Stationers’ died on 2 February. He was the Master of the Company during 2002/3 when Tony Mash was OSA President. Letters of condolence may be sent to his widow, Lady Lucy Pelham, at Old Way House, Beaulieu, Hampshire, SO42 7YL. Details of his memorial service, planned for the end of March, will be sent out in due course.
We are sorry to report that Derek Stevens died 20 December.
Mary Hind has advised us that sadly Raymond Hind (1945-2021) died suddenly in November. Qualifying as a patent lawyer in the UK, Raymond later moved to Australia to practice. Mary has kindly provided an obituary and picture of Raymond.
We are sorry to have to report the death on 30th October of Ivor Evans. His funeral is to take place 23rd November in Romsey, with service at Milford, near Southampton. Funeral details.
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Gordon Rose (1944-1949) on 18th May. Gordon, a stalwart of the OSA, was President of the Association in 1981/82 and is fondly remembered as “Mr Old Stationer”. He worked tirelessly for the football club for more years than many of us can remember as well as being OSA Membership Secretary for many years. Old Stationers’ and football club members gathered at Botany Bay CC, after his funeral, to celebrate his life. A memorial cricket match will be held in his honour at Botany Bay CC, on President’s Day on 29th August. Tributes from members and friends will be printed in the July Magazine.
We are sad to learn of the death of Richard Hudson (1964-1971) on 19th May,from his brother Alan. Richard was a loyal and long-standing member of the OSA and lived in Crouch End. He regularly attended St Mary with St George’s Church and the OSA Carol Service. Richard also enjoyed his visits to President’s Day at Botany Bay CC. He was also a Freeman of the Company and went to the ‘Cakes & Ale’ service most years.
Peter (Peno) Mariosa sadly died 24 January 2021 having fallen ill and been hospitalized 3 weeks earlier. Peter had an interesting career in music – obituary.
It is with great sadness that we report the death of Simon Baynes, Robert Baynes son, who died in November. Simon was a member of the congregation at St Albans Cathedral.
Film and TV industry exec Steve Turney (pictured) - school years 1972-78 - has sadly died 18th November aged 59, after contracting Covid-19.
We are sorry to report that John Olerenshaw who taught Maths at Stationers’ from ‘61 to ’65 passed away October 16th aged 81.
We are sorry to report the death in October of Peter John Cook.
We are sad to report the death at the age of 91 of John Dickens.
We have been sorry to hear that Robert Gingell died 12 August 2020, having worked in food sales Bob was able to more fully indulge his passion for sports in his retirement.
It is with great sadness that we report the death of Peter Sargent on August 9th. Peter was a life long supporter of the OSA and was President in 1975.
Mary Anderson sadly died 24th July, aged 97. Her late husband Allan was, for many years, a very active secretary of the Association, with strong support from Mary – particularly in the Football Club House kitchen.
Reg Wells, who sadly passed away in Devon on June 28th 2020, aged 89, was well-known in Scouting in Hornsey and later Haringey. He was evacuated with the school to Wisbech in the war.
David Waker (at school 1951 – 56) worked in insurance with football a leisure time passion – seeing many, if not all, the 1966 World Cup matches.
Leonard Cole who sadly died aged 90 in May 2019 (at school 1941-45) had a career that took him to Sri Lanka, before taking over an electrical business in Brighton.
In 2020 .. Bruce Donaldson, Philip Jeffreys, Harold Perry, Rev Canon John Sheen . Stanley Ward (class of ’44) died 15 April. Sir John Sparrow, a past president, Mike Andrews, Owen Rowe, our oldest member, David Bignell.
In earlier years .. Hugh Alexander, Terry Slinn, Robert Shepherd.