Michael Pelham

We are sorry to report that Past Master Michael Pelham, who was a great friend of the Old Stationers’ died on 2 February.  He was the Master of the Company during 2002/3 when Tony Mash was OSA President.

Tony Mash tells us “he was the first to suggest in his speech at our annual dinner that there should be an application for a blue plaque on a wall of one of the new office buildings on Bolt Court. This proposal was greeted with rapturous cheers and applause by those who attended the dinner. I know it took several years to get agreement from all parties on Bolt Court for the plaque to be put up but, without Michael’s initiative, I doubt that it would have happened at all."

Letters of condolence may be sent to his widow, Lady Lucy Pelham, at Old Way House, Beaulieu, Hampshire, SO42 7YL.

Details of his memorial service, planned for the end of March, will be sent out in due course.

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